Salaries_March to April 1972SALARIES Recommended Mr. George Vaughan, Utility Man, be granted additional 13 weeks on as -needed basis for injury pay approved. Full pay benefits, Howard Apte, 13 addi- tional weeks as needed basis effective 2/6/72, approved -SALARIES Request of unearned sick leave approved for Mrs. Rose Weissman. Aud. & Conv. Hall employee will borrow 25 days from future sick leave. 281A Date 3/1/72 3/1/72 2818 Meeting Date 4/5/72 SALARIES 2$2 Meeting Dt, City Mgr. proposed that Council consider over -a11 evaluation of pay plan and if there are pvoblems within that need correction but to do this in a manner not of policy makers entering upon the adminis- trative phase of the operation 4/11/72 Ord. No. 789: change titles Account Clerk to Account Clerk 1, Administrative Aide to ADM Aide 1, Provide salaries for new positions of Account Clerk 11, Adm. Aide 11, Clerk Stenographer. Provide salary for new position of Watchman. 4/19/72 Provide hourly rate for new position of Convention Center Casual Laborer, effective Apr.l. Unclassified Salary Ordinance Amendment No. 1605