Salaries_April to May 1972SALARIES 283
Meeting Date
PROVIDING salary adjustments for classifica-
tions of: Refuse Div. Supervisor Bddg.CNair.
Div. Supervisor; Water Div. uper'i ,
Bldg. Inspec. Div. Super; Kosher Food Inspector;
Parking System Div. Supervisor; Personnel Dir.;
Fire Chief; Assistant Fire Chief; Social Serv.
Div. Supervisor and Public Defender, effective
4/1/72. 4/19/72
Councilman Magnes' proposal that a Charter
amendment be submitted to the electorate
providing a $4,000 salary increase for all
members of Council failed of passage. 4/19/72
Councilman Haber suggested that Manager give
consideration in next budget to include
secretarial aid for members of Council . 4/19/72
Meeting Date
Extension of full pay benefits for an
additional 13 weeks approved on as -
needed basis for Mr. Frank Bell, Public
Works, effective 4/12/72
Ord. No. 1912 adopted re: Unclassified Salary
Ord. No. 1605 providing adjustments for:
Rev. Div. Supervisor; Bldg. Maint. Div. Super;
Water Div. Supervisor; Chief Bldg. Inspector
Div. Super; Kosher Food Inspec.; Parking Sys. Div.
Super.; Personnel Dir; Fire Chief; Asst. Fire
Chief; Social Serv. Div. Super; and Public Defender;
effective 4/1/72 5/3/72
Meeting Date
Council approved recommendation for payment
of full salary benefits to Mr. Sherwood
Griscom, injured Police Dept. employee, for
an additional 13 -week period, on an as -needed
basis, effective Sept. 26, 1971 5/3/72
No. 1605
Ordinance passed/to create position of
Personnel Coordinator; establishing salary
range therefor.
City Mgr. recommended increases in salaries
of Police and Fire personnel. Council re-
quested he particularize recommendations,
outlining source of funds, etc. for 6/7 mtg.