Salaries_May to June 1972SALARIES 286
Meeting Date
Councilman Magnes proposed salary of
City Mgr. be increased $3,600 a year,
Council directed that it be placed on
6/7 agenda.
Re: Police and Fire personnel, City Mgr.'s
recommendations presented. Council adopted
ordinances as emergency measures amending
Unclassified Salary ordinance and Classified
Salary Ordinance, to effect wage adjustments recommended
as of May 1, 1972; also providing for annual
incentive pay of $25 per mo. to all police officers
as in Revenue Sharing act of 1972 alopted by Fla.
State Legislature. Named 1916(unclass.) 1917
(Classified) 6/7/72
Meeting Date
Representatives of Union,Employees'
Benev. and Profess. Lifegds. Assocs.
requested Council consider wage ad-
justments for employees other than Police
and Fire.
The City Mgr. was requested to consider
above and submit report at 6/28 meeting.
Ord. No. 1919, adopted, amending Un-
classified Salary Ord. No. 1605, creating
position of Personnel Coordinator and
establishing salary range theeefor.
Councilman Magnes withdrew Ord. 1605
increasing bi-weekly compensation of
City Mgr.trom $1,373.83 to $1,511.76
Meeting Date
RES. No. 13641 adopted, approving increase
in salary from $450 to $500 per month for
Mr. Hames H. Ruby effective Nov. 14, 1972
Counsel for Personnel Bd., and City Atty.
to prepare resolution for records of this
Ordinance 4K, amending Ord. 789, increasing
salaries of police and firemen by 21%(class.) 6/28'/72
withdrawn by Councilman Magnes.
Ordinance 4L, amending Ord. 1605, increasing
salaries of unclassified police officers
by 21% withdrawn by Councilman Magnes.