Flamingo Park_March 1962 to March 1965FLAMINGO PARK 8
Book Page
Contract for addition to shelter building
in Flamingo Park awarded to A. S. Greene
Construction Co., $4,561.00
3-7-62 44 407
Bids to be taken for removal of northeast
wing of Flamingo Park grandstand which
was destroyed by fire 4-4-62 44 463
Contract for removal of northeast wing
of baseball grandstand in Flamingo Park
awarded to Marks Bros., $315.00
5-2-62 44 488
Contract for lighting standards for
Flamingo Park Tennis Courts awarded to
Allied Elec. Supply, $2,092.75
5-15-63 45 450
Contract for lighting fixtures for
Flamingo Park Tennis Courts awarded
to Allied Electric Supply, $1,514.00
5-15-63 45 450
Book Page
Contract for lighting installation -
Flamingo Park Tennis Courts Awarded to
Gates Electric Co., $3,530_3-63 46 23
Contract for lighting Flamingo Park
Tennis Courts awarded to Gates Electric
Co. 7-3-63 46 23
Contract for sandblasting Flamingo Park
swimming pool awarded to Snapp, Inc.
$885.00 3-4-64 46 446
Bids for baseball stadium
To be re -advertised.
Book Page
7-15-64 47 131
Bids for Flamingo Park Baseball
Stadium. Report from City Engineer
re. low bids under Plans A and B and
funds required for construction. City
Mgr. recommends bids be rejected. City Mgr.
to meet with low bidder and Eng. Dept. to
ascertain what could be done with monies
now available. Bids rejected.
3-24-65 48 422