Salaries_August to September 1976SALARIES
establish range and salary for classifications
of Accountant and Transitional Accountant, and
eliminating classifications of Accountant 1,
Transitional Accountant 1, Accountant 11 and
Transitional Accountant 11.
Hearing and second reading scheduled
or ept. 1, 1976 at 2:00 p.m. 8/4/76
Ord. #76-2069 adopted as an emergency measure, 8/4/76
to amend City Code to provide for Unclassified
Fire Division Chiefs, (deferred from 7/21/76).
Memo #5822.
Extensions of full pay benefits for service -
connected injuries to City employees, approved
as recommended:
Memo #5862, Joseph Matthews- 13 weeks as
needed, effective 6/14/76.
Memo #5863, Richard Trado- 13 weeks as
needed, effective 9/3/76.
Memo #5864, Johnnie L. Green- 13 weeks as
needed, effective 9/5/76.
Amending Classified Salary Ord. #789, to
establish range and salary for classifications
of Accountant and Transitional Accountant, and
to eliminate classifications of Accountant 1,
Transitional Accountant 1, Accountant 11 and
Transitional Accountant 11. Memo #5838. Hearing
held and concluded. Ord. No. 76-2071 adopted. 9/1/76
Request of Atty. Stephen Cypen, representing 9/1/76
M.B. Police and Firemen's Benevolent Assn., for
repeal of Ord. #76-2069, adopted on 8/4/76, pro-
viding for creation of positions of Assistant
Fire Chief and Division Chiefs, as an emergency
measure. Deferred to 9/15/76. City Atty. and
Personnel Director requested to meet with
Mr. Cypen and review matter and submit report
as to whether there were any violations of
Civil Service Rules.