Salaries_September 1976SALARIES City Manager advises no money included in 1976-77 Budget for salary increases. (Page 16) 335-A Date 9/7/76 -BH M.B. Benevolent president requests funds to 9/13/76 -BH be set aside for salary increases. City Mgr. requested to follow up. (P.2,3) SALARIES Extension of full pay benefits for service - connected injuries to City Employees: approved as recommended: Memo #5886, Curtis Bolling- 13 weeks, as needed, effective 9/15/76. Memo #5887, William Murray- 13 weeks, as needed, effective 9/30/76. Memo #5888, Earl Ostreicher- 13 weeks, as needed, effective 9/15/76. Memo #5889, Ernie Jones- 13 weeks, as needed, effective 8/30/76. Request of Atty. Stephen Cypen, representing 9/15/76 M.B. Police and Firemen's Benevolent Assn. for repeal of Ord. No. 76-2069 adopted 8/4/76. 336 Date 9/15/76 SALARIES (continued) Deferred to Oct. 6, 1976. City Atty. to furnish Mr. Cypen with copy of his report. 9/15/76 Councilman Dr. Haber inquires if fringe bene- 9/27/76B fits are negotiable. City Atty. advises that question of uniform allowances, holidays, sick leaves, were negotiable and a proper subject and a matter of contractual bargaining. City Atty. and City Mgr. to prepare list of nego- tiable items. City Mgr. advises he will return to Council with a package of reducing accumula- tion of annual sick leave, etc. (P.23-24). 337 Date Joe Malek requests Council to direct City Mgr. 9/29/76BH to negotiate with employee unions even though not recognized by PERC; requests consideration