Salaries_January 1977SALARIES 347
Memo #6115, replacement for 2 Parking Meter 1/5/77
Checkers I. Approved.
Memo #6081A, justification for recent salary 1/5/77
increases to Unclassified Personnel,(deferred
from 12/9/76). City Mgr. referred to portion
of draft of Council Memo #6081A concerning
Mrs. Barbara Strahm, and following review of
her qualifications, Council approved Mgr's
recommendations for classification change to
Assistant to City Mgr., at a salary of
$898.72 bi-weekly.
Memo #6117, confirmation of appointment and 1/5/77
merit increase of Finance Director. Council
confirmed Mgr's appointment of Mr. James A.
Young to position of Finance Director, at
Step B of the salary range.
Memo #6116, filling Golf Course Attentant 11 1/5/77
vacancy, approved.
Memo #6143, replacement of an Admin. Aide I 1/19/77
with a Clerk, for Police Dept. Not reached.
Deferred to 2/2/77.
Memo #6144, Citizens Action Service/Hot Line, 1/19/77
as requested by Council. Not reached. Deferred
to 2/2/77.
Councilman Sahl requested City Mgr. to again re- 1/19/77
view _justification of salary and classifiecation
changes approved by Council at Jan. 5th meeting,
and indicated his concern about City's safety
and welfare. City Mgr. reiterated his previous
statements on subject of salaries, and also ad-
vised that City's safety is not in jeopardy and
that the Administration will soon be embarking
on a recruitment and training program for ad-
ditional police and firemen. Fire Chief ap-
peared and reported that new Collins Ave. Fire
Station is to be opened this week with existing
equipment and manpower.
Memo #6144, Citizen's Action Service/Hot Line, 2/2/77
as requested by Council (deferred from 1/19/77.