Salaries_February to April 1977SALARIES 353
(continued) Date
office of legal assistance officer: services
delivery comparison. 2/16/77
Memo #6214, ord. passed on first reading amend- 3/2/77
ing Classified Salary Ord. #789 by increasing
salary range for Parking Meter Supervisor from
Range 31 to Range 35, and establishing range
and salary for Transitional Identification
Technician I. Hearing and second reading scheduled
for March 16, 1977 at 2:00 p.m.
Extension of full pay benefits for City em- 3/16/77
ployees, 13 additional weeks, on as -needed
basis, approved as follows:
Memo 46237 -William Murray, effective 3/25/77.
(continued) Date
Memo #6238, Johnnie Green, effective 3/4/77. 3/16/77
Amended Classified Salary Ord. No. 789, estab- 3/16/i7
lishing range and salary for classification of
Transitional Identification Technician I and
changing range and salary for classifiecation
of Parking Meter Supervisor (1st reading 3/2/77).
Hearing held and concluded. Ord. ##77-2092 adopted.
Amending Unclassified Salary Ord. ##1605, 3/16/77
withdrawn by Administration.
Amendments to implement proposed reorganization. 4/6/77
2. to Classified Salary Ord. #789 - not submitted.
No changes made.
(continued) Date
3. to Unclassified Salary Ord. #1605 - ord.
amending Secs. 1 and 2 of Unclassified Salary
Ord. providing for salaries of Unclassified
and Executive positions to be effective
April 25, 1977, passed on 1st reading.
Hearing and 2nd reading scheduled for April 20,
1977, at 2:00 p.m. 4/6/77
Hearing held and concluded re: amendments to 4/20/77
implement proposed reorganization:
b) amendments to Unclassified Salary Ord.
#1605, effective 4/25/77 (1st reading
4/6/77). Ord. #77-2096 adopted amending
Sections 1 and 2 of Ord. #1605 estab-
lishing compensation plan for offices