Salaries_July to September 1979SALARIES 395 (continued) Date of Waste DriverSupervisor, Equipment Mechanic, and Transitional Equipment Mechanic, which was inadvertently omitted when Ord. #79-2159 was passed and adopted by City Commission; and pro- viding for adoption of same as an emergency measure. 7/18/79 Memo #7624, request for extension of full -pay 8/1/79 benefits for service -connected injury to Phyllis Rubenstein, Admin. Aide I, in Police Dept. Additional 13 weeks on an as -needed basis approved, effective July 31, 1979. Memo #7630, Ord. #79-2165 adopted as an 8/1/79 emergency measure amending Sec. 1, Part V, SALARIES 396 (continued) Date of Ord. #789, being "an ord. of C.M.B., Fla., establishing official classifications of posi- tions in Classified Service of C.M.B., Fla., and providing compensation therefor, pursuant to provisions of Civil Service Act, and providing for administration of this ord."; creating new classification of Recreation Driver/Worker, pro- viding for passage as an emergency measure. 8/1/79 Memo #7631, Ord. #79-2166 adopted as an emer- 8/1/79 gency measure, amending Sec. 1 of Ord. #1605, being "an ord. of C.M.B., Fla.,establishing a compensation plan for offices and positions in Unclassified Service; creating or re-creating said offices and position in accordance with SALARIES 397 (continued) Date an organization plan; and establishing a schedule of salaries therefore"; creating new classification of Assistant to Depart- ment Head; providing for passage as an emergency measure. 8/1/79 Memo #7742, an ord. amending Ord. #789, being "An ord. of C.M.B.,Fla., establishing official classifications of positions in the Classified Service.of C.M.B.,Fla. and pro- viding compensation therefor, pursuant to provisions of Civil Service Act, and pro- viding for administration of this ord."; granting a $7,00 weekly increase to classi- fications covered by the M. B. Employees 9/19/79