Salaries_December 1979 to January 1980SALARIES 404 (continued) Date Supervisor; repealing all ordinances in conflict; providing for passage as an emergency measure. Deferred to 12/19/79. 12/5/79 Memo #7900, an ord. amending Ord. #789, being 12/19/79 an ord. of C.M.B., Fla., establishing a title change from Council Reporter 1 and 11 to Com- mission Reporter 1 and 11; and providing a one step increase for classifications of Building Maintenance Operations Supervisor, Central Services Supervisor, Convention Center Opera- tions Supervisor Golf Course Maintenance Supervisor, Golf Course Operations supervisor, Mechanical Maintenance Operations Supervisor, Parks Maintenance Supervisor, Records Management SALARIES 465 (continued) Date Operations Supervisor, Sanitation Operations Supervisor, Shop Supervisor, Streets and Sewers Operations Supervisor, and Water Opera- tions Supervisor; repealing all ordinances in conflict; and providing for an effective date. (Deferred from Dec. 5, 1979). Not reached - deferred to 1/2/80. (See City Employees) 12/19/79 Memo #7950, Ord. passed on 1st reading_ re: 1/2/80 amending Ord. #789, Classified Employees Salary Ord. of C.M.B. Fla., establishing a title change from Council Reporter i and II to Commission Reporter I and II; providing