School Problems_June 1941 to May 1946SCHOOL PROBLEMS Book Page Mr. Meyer advises that Milton Weiss is obtaining payment of liens by School Board 6/6/41 20 272 9 Van C. Kussrow, chairman Board of Trustees asks that M. B. Senior High school golf team be permitted to practise on Normandy Golf Course free of charge 3/31/44 22 304 Council agrees to allow team to practise at half-price 3/31/44 22 305 SCHOOL PROBLEMS 10. BOOK PAGE Mr. Sidney Ellison's petition that the City sell a portion of Polo Park to the School Board for public school purposes taken under advisement 1/17/45 22 467 Mother's Guild of St. Patrick's School protests any abandonment of Pole Park 2/7/45 Patrician Club of St. Patrick's Church protests use of Polo Park for any purpose except playground 3/7/45 22 471 SCHOOL PROBLEMS Robert A. Taylor asks permission to erect portable classroom buildings - referred to City Manager 0/5/45 23 20g Civic organizations urge that City reimburse citizens who opposed school districts consolidation - Council denies request 2/6/46 23 405 Council appropriates $750 for summer playground program at Biscayne Elementary School 5/15/46 24 96 11. Book Page