Garbage & Trash Disposal (Contracts)_September 1976 To September 1979GARBAGE & TRASH DISPOSAL (Contract) 1
Memo #5850, contract for disposal of City garbage 9/1/76
and trash awarded ABC Demolition Corp. quoting
$1.15 per cu. yd., estimated expenditure,
$301,185.00 for 1 yr. period from date of award
of contract. Contract includes cancellation
at -will option by City in event Dade Co. opens
transfer station.
Memo #6478, disposal site for City garbage and 9/7/77
trash, bid amount: $300,000.00 (estimate).
Awarded, ABC Demolition Corp. for 1 yr. Council-
man Dr. Wikler requested a report on how the
Administration is addressing the problem of re-
moval of trash throughout the City, such as the
accum mulation in the alleyway between Euclid
and Meridian Aves., between 9th & 10th Sts. 9/7/77
Memo #7045, bid award, contract for disposal 9/6/78
site for City garbage and trash for 1 -yr.
period from date of award, bid amount:
$250,000.00 (estimated). Awarded to ABC
Demolition Corp., with options for additional
2 -yrs., subject to Commission approval; dis-
posal cost - $1.40 per cubic yd; disposal site
14301 Biscayne Blvd., N. Miami, Dade Co.,Fla.
Memo #7150, consultant selection - solid waste 11/1/78
study, (deferred from 10/18 & 19/78). Airan
Environmental Consultants and Greenleaf/Telesca
nominated for consideration, but the Commission
(continued) Date
was unable to reach a majority selection.
Deferred to 11/15/78 for full Commission. In the
interim, the Commission suggested to the two
consulting firms that they consider a coopera-
tive agreement and endeavor to work together on
this project. (See Garbage and Garbage Fees) 11/1/78
Memo #7722, option for 2nd yr. of contract
for alternate disposal site for City garbage
and trash. Bid amount: $250,000.00 estimated
annual expenditure. Contract option with ABC
Demolition Corporation at rate of $1.65 per
cu. yd., approved, pending results of current
studies on all disposal methods/sites
available to City.