Self-Service Laundries_December 1949 to July 1961SELF-SERVICE LAUNDRIES 6. Book Page ordinance for considera- tion at next meeting 12/7/49 29 71 Res410445serviceniaunariiresng from "BA" and including them in "BB"; also permitting self service dry cleaning machines as an additional permissible use in "BB" 1/4/61 43 379 Hearing conducted re. above. 1st reading ordinance excluding from BA and including in BB self-service laundreis. Request to include self-service dry cleaning machines denied. Applicants to contact City Mgr. 43 6 476 SELF-SERVICE LAUNDRIES - 7. Book Page 3rd reading ordinance excluding self- service laundries from "BA" and including same in "BB". Ord. 41413 2-15-61 43 492 Request for public hearing to increase load capacity of automatic coin-operated washingND Ines to 20 lbs. Res. 410533 calling7heal`ing on May 3, 1961. 4-5-61 _ 44 30 Council declines to grant request to continue zoning hearing re. increasing load capacity of coin-operated washing machines to 20 lbs. Applicant withdraws request and advises that he would present a new petition for hearing at later ldatu 62 SELF-SERVICE LAUNDRIES -- 8. Book Page Res. #10572 calling zoning hearing on 7/19/61 to consider increasing load capacity of domestic -type, coin operated washing machines in "BB" Business District from 10 lbs. to 20 lbs. 6-21-61 44 98 Above zoning hearing cancelled. Applicant has withdrawn his request. 7-5-61 44 127 R. J. Hendriks, representing General Electric, proposes increasing capacity of domestic type washing machines in self-service laundries. 7-5-61 44 129 Referred to City Mgr's office.