Golf Courses_August 1958 to June 1959i' tbo fse_ CoA3cax GOLF COURSE 24 Book Page Contract for 15 tons milorganite fertilizer for Normandy Shores Golf Course awarded to Florida East Coast Fertilizer Co., $735.00 8-20-58 41 Contract for 40 tons of milorganite fertilizer for Bayshore Golf Course awarded to Hector Supply Co., $2,370.80 9-3-58 41 78 Contract for carpeting for Normandy Shores Golf Course Clubhouse awarded to Miami Rug Co., $2,397.07 12-3-58 41 240 ",ontract for Fertilizer for Normandy Shores golf Course Oa0warded to Armolr7r59tili lr 278 orks, 59 GOLF COURSE �5 Book Page Contract for fertilizer for Bay Shore Golf Course awarded to Hector Co. $2,409.00 2-18-59 41 394 Contract for fertilizerfbr Normandy Golf Course awarded to Hector Turf, $1,534.70 5-20-59 42 80 Contracts for fertilizer for Bay Shore Golf Course awarded to Hector Supply Co., $1,950.00 and Armour Fertilizer Works, $520.40 6-10-59 42 113