Senior Citizens_October 1976 to April 1980SENIOR CITIZENS 9
(continued) Date
guarding against duplication of services. 10/6/76
Memo #6223, status report Senior Citizens 3/2/77
Volunteer Services. Requested by Councilman
Spaet. For information -only.
Discussion of Senior Citizens Volunteer Pro- 4/6/77
gram. Requested by Councilman Spaet. Per
Councilman Spaet's request, matter deferred
to meeting of April 20, 1977, and Admini-
stration directed to furnish backup material
pertaining to a report prepared by Miami Atty.
Martin Fine, as well as a report from the
Administration as to the implications of a
senior citizen's volunteer program.
Discussion of Senior Citizens Volunteer Program, 5/4/77
requested by Councilman Hal Spaet (deferred from
4/6/77), Memo #6331. Councilman Spaet suggested
the City Atty. and Personnel Brd. be consulted
in establishing this program, and requested that
the list of possible positions be presented to
Memo #6468, City participation in R.S.V.P. 8/17/77
(Retired Seniors Volunteer Program). Not
reached. Deferred to 9/7/77.
Memo #7732, Res. #79-16022 adopted, author- 9/19/79
izing contract execution by Mayor and City
Clerk between SFETC and CMB for a public
(continued) Date
service employment program under terms of
CETA of 1973, as amended contract amount
$829,066 to be paid from Federal funds. V.M.
Friedman suggested that Administration investi-
gate possibility of part-time employment of
senior citizens under this program. City Mgr.
rendered brief oral report on alternatives
being pursued by Staff and advised a more
detailed report would be forthcoming. (See
SFETC, CETA of 1973) 9/19/79
Memo #8143, Res. #80-16242 adopted authorizing 4/9/80
execution of an agreement with FIU to provide
Public Sector Training to be funded by CETA.,