Servicemen's Center_September 1952 to February 1954SERVICEMEN'S CENTER Book Page City Mgr. advises that Room 3, in Auditorium, was made available for a Servicemen's Lounge, and main room of Auditorium for their monthly Stage Door Canteen shows and dances 9-17-52 33 268 $1,437.50 to be appropriated to cover expenses of operating Servicemen's Center at Auditorium (Municipal) 10-1-52 33 291 Communications filed from 456th Troop Carrier Wing, USAF, and U.S. Marine Corps Air Station commending Council for Service - meds Center operation 5-6-53 34 233 SERVICEMEN'S CENTER s6,588.00 appropriated to cover cost of operating Servicemen's Center for 1952-53 at Auditorium 5-20-53 34 278 Res. #8388 commending Maurice Klein and committee for work in operating, Servicemen's Center 5-20-53 34 278 Special appropriation of $5,210.75 authorized from unappropriated current funds for operation of Servicemen's Center for 1953-54 fiscal year (now at Lummus Park Recreation Center) 2-3-54 Book Page 35 3214