Servicemen's Center_April 1955 to February 1963SERVICEMEN'S CENTER Book Page City Mgr. Renshaw suggests some recognition be given Mr. Klein for wonderful work done at Center. Resolution to be prepared for presentation on April 30, 1955 celebration of the 3rd year of Center's operation. 4-20-55 37 110 Res. #9047 commending Maurice Klein for work at service center 4-20-55 37 127 Letter to be sent recognizing 4th anniversary of Servicemen's - Center 4-26-56 38 176 SERVICEMEN'S CENTER Council authorizes expenditure of $7,000 to enlarge Servicemen's Center. Authorized from unappropriated current funds. 11-7-62 45 166 Contract for construction of addition to Servicemen's Center awarded to Aaon Construction Co., $7,818.00 2-6-63 45 321 Res. #11209 commending Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Klein for outstanding services rendered by them in connection with Center. 4-15-64 47 18 Book Page