Golf Courses_August 1959 to November 1960GOLF COURSE 26
Book Page
Contractsfor lawn equipment consisting
"f power mower and aerifier awarded
8-5-59 42 210
Contracts for soil for golf courses
awarded 8-5-59 42 210
Contract for carpeting for Bay Shore
and Normandy Golf Courses awarded to
Lotspeich Flooring Co., $3,445.00
8-19-59 42 246
Book Page
Contract for marl for Bay Shore Golf
Course awarded to A. Newland, $535.00
8-19-59 42 247
Contract for black sand for Bayshore
Golf Course awarded to A. Newland,
$535.00 1-20-60 42 440
Contract for electric motor scooter
for Bayshore Golf Course awarded to
R. L. Ahern & Associates $750.00
2-17-60 42 494
Contract for 30 tons of fertilizer for
Bayshore awarded to Hector Turf &
Garden, $1,894.50 7-6-60 43 125
Contract for 30 tons fertilizer for
Normandy Shores Golf Course awarded
to Hector Supply Co. $1,894.50
8-3-60 43 168
Contractsfor additions and remodeling
to Bayshore Golf Course Club House
awarded to Robert R. Rothlein, $4,000.00
& Millman Constr. $43,965. 10-5-60 43 255
Contract for construction of masonry
concession structure for Normandy Shores
Golf Course awarded to Carlson Construction
Co., $2,589.00 11-16-60 43 327
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