Sewage Disposal And Treatment_June to Sepember 1973SEWAGE DISPOSAL AND TREATMENT 25
Meeting Date
Momo_4081- request approved for add'1. approp-
riation of $120,000 from 1968 bond fund storm
sewer issue, project P-19, lines to Virginia
Key. To be reimbursed from 2/2/71 bond issue. 6/29/73
Memo 4110 -facilities for transmitting sewage
to virginia Key contract to Zurwelle-Whittaker,
Inc. who are engaged to conduct location and
route survey for approx. $60,000.
Memo 4138- Relief from state building moratorium
deferred to 9/5/73. City Mgr. to submit list
of applications for bldg. permits not issued due to
moratorium 8/8/73
Meeting Date
Councilman Weinstein said he had discussed diver-
sion of Fed. funds for line to Virginia Key, for
City of M.B. to another City, and Gov. had
assured them he would not accept a memo for
next year which did not contain as first item of
priority, the allocation of Fed. funds fpr Cit
of M.B. sewage transmission line to Virginia Key. 9/12/73
Meeting Date
Councilman Dr. Haber asked Administration
disseminate this info to citizens of City. 9/12/73
City Mgr. advised that Florida State Pollution
Control Bd. will meet in Tampa on 9/25/73 to
consider guidelines for possible operation
under Good Faith Bill; however, Executive
Director of Bd. has not changed his position
that no construction should be permitted
which would increase quantity of sewage
being discharged through present facilities. 9/19/73