Sewage And Disposal Treatment_1974SEWAGE DISPOSAL AND TREATMENT 30
Meeting Date
Discussion of policy re: permissibility,
usage and control of package sewage treatment
pits on M.B'Letter from Morris N. Li
City Mgr., was discussed. Motion that "Counccilego
on record in opposition to package treatment plants
until effect on public health and well-being is
clarified and until they are safe in public
interest" failed of passage. Motion that any
application for a sewage treatment plant in M.B.
be first screened by Administration carried.
Re: permit granted by State Pollution Control Bd.,
for ground absorption to Yacht Club Corp. for
construction at 1835 Purdy Ave., motion that
"City Atty be instructed to review all facts in
this case and report back to Council exactly the
status of permit and advise Council if it has
power to cancel it" carried. City Mgr. and
Public Works Dir. to formulate appropriate
guidelines for evaluation of applications for
interim package sewage treatment plants. 1/16/74
Discussion of City's making application under
"Good Faith Bill" of securing relief from State
Pollution Control Bd's restrictions on further
connections to City sewage system and outfall line.
Mgr. reported that on 1/22/74 in Tallahassee, Bd.
will consider staff recommendations re: present
guidelines for issuance, modification, extension
and interpretation of temporary operating permits
re: requirements of "Good Faith Bill". Members
of Adminis. & Councilmen to attend. 1/16/74
Meeting Date
.os. Abelow, The M.B.Civic League representa-
tive requested Council to call public hearing
in evening hours to take testimony for alternate
method of providing sewage treatment and dis-
posal through extension of outfall line into
ocean . Public hearing called for 3/14/74 at
7:30 p.m. Mr. Abelow to meet with Administration
to suggest individuals to be invited. Public
Works Dir. to notify all persons. Councilman Dr.
Haber asked as best a report and recommendation
as possible under pressures of time, on the
relative advantages and disadvantages of re -cycling
wastes 7,s opposed to treatment and disposal of
wastes. 2/6/74