Sewage Disposal And Treatment_April to June 1974SEWAGE DISPOSAL AND TREATMENT 39
Meeting Date
Report on proposal by Mr. Joe Abelow for
alternate method and pilot project of
disposing of sewage not reached. To be
placed on May 1, 1974 agenda.
Report on proposal by Mr. J. Abelow for alternate
method and pilot project of sewage disposal. City
Mgr. directed to determine status of communica-
tion sent to Federal, State & County agencies,
requesting comment on Abelow plan. City Mgr.,
City Atty and Public Wks. Dir. requested to re-
view, and place in proper form, proposed resolu-
tion submitted by Mr. Abelow, for Council con-
sideration on May 15, 1974.
Status report on proposal by Jos. Abelow for
alternate method & pilot project of sewage
disposal. City Mgr. reported that pursuant to
Council direction, he had again contacted Fed.,
State&County agencies re status of his com-
munication re. Mr. Abelow's plan & EPA staff in
Wash. expressed an interest& is forwarding sub-
stantive technical reply & tentatively arranging
a meeting in Wash.D.C. on 5/23/74, to which
members of Council will be invited. Members of
Council & designated reps. of Administration
authorized to attend meeting at City expense.
Transportation expense for Drs. Thomas Lee &
James Carpenter, U of M Sea Grant Pgm. to D.C.
to attend meeting authorized. Action deferred
to 6/5/74 pend.receipt of fr.EPA 5/15/74
Re ort presented on meeting with EPA officials 6/5/74
in ashington, V.0 re Abelow Sea Grant proposal
for alternative method of sewage disposal, City
Atty. authorized to employ atty.,with appropriate
experience, at fee not to exceed $6,500(from Con-
tingency), to research law/advise Council re City's
rights with respect to existing contractual agree-
ments and whether any action could be taken to
implement Abelow Proposal without jeopardy to City's
continual "Good Faith" complance with law.
$3,500 authorized from Contingency Funds for add'1.
research work by U.M. Sea Grant Program re suggested
alternate method of sewage disposal.