Sewage Disposal And Treatment_February to March 1975SEWAGE DISPOSAL AND TREATMENT
Consideration of proposal to run 54 -inch sewer
transmission line through center of Fisher Is-
land in a 50 -ft. wide easement to Virginia Key.
Memo #4988. Res. #75-14620 adopted, commending
Mr. Baljet for his cooperation with City, and
directing Admin. to request the Fla. Dept. of
Pollution Control to extend the time to meet
the schedule for submission of plans and speci-
fications for the construction of sewage trans-
mission facilities to the Virginia Key treatment
plant to enable additional studies to be made
for alternate routes for sewage transmission to
Virginia Key.
Res. #75-14621 adopted, renewing City's request
to EPA for approval of demonstration project
(cont'd) Date
application for Deep Current Assimilation of
Res. #75-14622 adopted, requesting Fla. League
of Cities to ask all coastline cities in the
State to urge the Governor and Fla. Pollution
Control Brd. to support the City's efforts to
undertake demonstration project for Deep Cur-
rent Assimilation of Sewage.
City Atty. rendered oral opinion to the effect
that City has the legal authority to condemn
land within and without corporate limits, and
that dedicated streets on any plat may be used
for installation of utilities. 2/19/75
City Mgr. requested to render status report
re: acquisition of land from the City of Miami
for expansion of Virginia Key Treatment Fa-
cilities and use of funds for Conv. Complex. 3/12/75
Mr. Joseph Abelow appeared and requested that
Council take immediate action to request the
Fla. Dept. of Pollution Control to reduce this
City's priority for the transmission line from
M.B. to Virginia Key until such time as the
demonstration pilot project has been in actual
operation and the results evaluated.
Councilman Dr. Wikler's motion that the Admin.
be requested to pursue every avenue to reduce
the City's priority failed of passage.