Sewage Disposal And Treatment_April 1975SEWAGE DISPOSAL AND TREATMENT (cont I d) for Council to take at this time. Res. # 75-14680 adopted, amending Res. #75-14622 adopted on 2/19/75, so as to delete there- from reference to any definitive sums of money for Deep Current Ocean Outfall Project at this time and, in addition, to amend wording in the sixth paragraph. Res. # 75-14681 adopted,requesting assistance of Fla. State Pollution Control Board in Deep Current Sewage Assimilation Project, and requesting other actions to be taken by Brd. Malcolm Pirnie, Inc., with Ray L. Hart & Assoc., City's Consulting Engineers, author- ized to proceed to complete design for trans- mission line etc., to Va. Key to meet the 60 Date 4/2%75 SEWAGE DISPOSAL AND TREATMENT 61 (cont'd) Date 6/30/75 deadline established by EPA, which authorization is given only to remain in compliance with Fed. and State requirements because this City is still out of sympathy with route thru Fisher Island and is waiting approval of request for extension of time to enable studies to be made for alternate routes, etc.. 4/2/75 Report on meeting in Tallahassee with Fla. Pollution Control Brd. on April 15, 1975, re: Deep Current Sewage Assimilation Project. Mr. Linton Lovett, atty. for City, reported on discussion held to consider requests of City embodied in Res. #75-14681, regarding 4/16/75 SEWAGE DISPOSAL AND TREATMENT 62 (cont'd) Date assistance in Deep Current Sewage Assimilation Project. Referred to memorandum dated 4/14/75 to W. D. Frederick, Chairman of Brd.; from Dr. Mark Hollis, member of Brd.; City's proposal is a serious one, should be thoroughly investi- gated and considered. Dr. Hollis proposed meeting in M.B. with staff of Fla. Pollution Con- trol Brd., members of EPA from Atlanta office and representatives of City to obtain additional in- formation enabling Brd. to respond to City's requests. City Mgr. Spence advised meeting is scheduled for Monday, April 28, 1975 at 1:00 p.m. Cony. Center Conference Room, all concerned will be notified. Councilman Weinstein requested Admin. have all experts present at meeting so 4/16/75