Sewage Disposal And Treatment_April to May 1975SEWAGE DISPOSAL AND TREATMENT 63 (cont'd) Date City will be prepared to make presentation and answer all questions. Mr. Spence enumerated high points of the Fla. Pollution Control Brd. meeting April 15, 1975. 4/16/75 Discussion on acceptance of revised offer by 5/7/75 Environmental Protection Agency of Federal Grant in the amount of $684,000 for design work for Sewage Transmission System. Res. #75-14711 adopted, approving acceptance. Special Meeting : to hear a special presen- tation by Special Legal Counsel, Linton Lovett, relative to possibility of this City filing for SEWAGE DISPOSAL AND TREATMENT (cont'd) a declaratory judgment in the courts against the EPA in order to seek permission to proceed with the construction of deep current sewage assimilation pilot project. Res. #75-14714 adopted amending Res. #75-14711, adopted on 5/7/75, by conditioning the City's acceptance of of Grant described and set forth in said Res. #75-14711 by deleting and striking the fol- lowing words from Special Condition No. 4 of said proposed Grant, to -wit: "to complete the entire project and also agrees". Res. #75-14715 adopted authorizing the employment of Linton Lovett, Esquire, as Special Counsel for the purpose of instituting appropriate suit seeking declaratory decree and injunctive 5/14/75 64 Date 5/14//5 SEWAGE DISPOSAL AND TREATMENT 65 (cont'd) Date relief against appropriate governmental agencies in connection with Virginia Key Sewage Disposal Plant. 5/14/75 Request by V.M. Meyerson & Councilman Dr. Haber 5/21/75 for councilmanic reconsideration of vote of Coun- cil on 5/14/75, authorizing institution of legal action for legal action for declaratory judgment, etc., against EPA et Al re: Deep Current Assimi- lation of Sewage Pilot Project. Res. #75-14725 adopted, rescinding Res. #75-14714 so as to rein- state Res. #75-14711 with unconditional acceptance of Federal Grant, in amount of $684,000; further, rescinding Res. #75-14715 authorizing Linton Lovett as Special Counsel to institute legal action for