Sewage Disposal And Treatment_May to August 1975SEWAGE DISPOSAL AND TREATMENT 66 (cont'd) Date purpose of seeking declaratory degree and unjunc- tive relief against appropriate governmental agen- cies re: Virginia Key Sewage Disposal Plant. 5/21/75 Res. #75-14752 adopted, authorizing City's 6/18/75 consulting engineers to submit design plan to EPA for transmission line via Fisher Island route; further setting forth Council's posi- tion that approval was being given under pro- test in order to meet EPA deadline date of 6/30/75; that the EPA had not taken into con- sideration all elements of the effect of ad- hering to Fisher Island route. Admin. re- quested to continue its search for a more cost-effective route, or to modify the original SEWAGE DISPOSAL AND TREATMENT 67 (cont'd) Date Bay route that had been considered. 6/18/75 City Atty. advised Council of necessity to take 7/16/75 expeditious action concerning sewage transmission line route, expecially with respect to alternate routes. Councilman Spaet suggested there should be communication by mail, telephone or personal representation, with appropriate officials in Washington and Atlanta of the EPA, and a legal interpretation should be obtained as to whether Federal law includes acquisition of privately - owned property for right-of-way. Other members of Council concurred, requesting the City Atty. to arrange the necessary conferences in Washington and to take appropriate steps to get a reply to SEWAGE DISPOSAL AND TREATMENT 68 (coned) Date the City's previous communications concerning this issue. 7/16/75 Memo #5269, Legislative Act to reimburse City 8/6/75 for construction of existing sewage ocean out- fall. Res. #75-14781 adopted, requesting State Legislature to pass an Act so as to permit the City to be reimbursed for its cost of construction of the existing outfall which will be abandoned as a result of the construction of a transmission line to Virginia Key. VIRGINIA KEY SEWAGE TRANSMISSION LINE - Res. #75-14783 adopted, revising City's application to EPA for Federal grant 8/6/75