Sewage Disposal And Treatment_June to November 1976SEWAGE DISPOSAL AND TREATMENT 78 (continued) Date received from State of Flordia pursuant to Claims Bill SB 1316; all funds received to be for exclusive purpose of repaying amount of bonded indebtedness incurred by City for con- struction of ocean outfall. 6/3/76 Memo #5892 Revised, interim appropriation of 9/15/76 funds for Sewage Improvement contracts and Federal Grant Reimbursement Program. Withdrawn by City Manager for further review of funding increase. V.Mayor Haber complained about the water and 9/15/76 silt being pumped into Indian Creek, advising of possible adverse ecological impact, and SEWAGE DISPOSAL AND TREATMENT 79 (continued) Date requested Admin. to investigate and ask the contractor to take all necessary corrective measures, and to submit a report to Council as to steps being taken in this regard. 9/15/76 (LTC #476-76 report in file.) Memo #5892 (REVISED), interim appropriation of 10/6/76 funds for sewage improvement contracts and Federal Grant Reimbursement Program (deferred from 9/15/76). Deferred to Oct. 20, 1976, for a full Council. Memo #5892 -REVISED- interim appropriation of 10/20/76 funds for sewage improvement contracts and Federal Grant Reimbursement program. SEWAGE DISPOSAL AND TREATMENT (continued) 80 (deferred from 10/6/76). Deferred to Nov. Date 1976. City Mgr. and City Atty. requested to review matter and submit joint recommendation. 10/20/76 Memo #5892 REVISED, interim appropriation of 11/3/76 funds for sewage improvement contracts and Federal Grant Reimbursement Program (deferred from 10/20/76). Withdrawn by City Mgr. Sub- stitute recommendation by Administration, as follows, approved. Memo #6016, sale of $8.8 million General Obligation Bonds for funding Sewage Transmission line to Virginia Key ($8.5 million) and construction of Bicycle Paths ($300,000), establishing sale date to be Dec. 8, 1976, at 11:00 a.m. per Res. #76-14957,