Sewage Disposal And Treatment_October to November 1977SEWAGE DISPOSAL AND TREATMENT 87
(continued) Date
5:00 p.m. Time Certain. Councilman Dr. Haber
requested City Mgr. and City Atty. to meet with
all interested parties, (including Messrs. Fleming,
Lovett, and Schulman) and to then submit a written
report to Council as to City's options in this mat-
ter, the implications and consequences of same,
and suggestions for what type of arrangements could
be made with Mr. Lovett, should the City consider
Mr. Fleming's request. 10/5/77
Memo #6536, request for authorization to enter
into negotiations with Thomas J. Merlo and Co.
for development of "User Charge and Industrial
Cost Recovery Systems" and other matters related
to meeting the grant requirements of EPA for
(continued) Date
construction of facilities for sewage trans-
mission to Va. Key treatment plant. Admini-
stration authorized to enter into negotiations. 10/5/77
Mr. Joseph Abelow, substituting for Mrs. Falk, 10/19/77
appeared and again reviewed litigation and re-
lated matters re: Virginia Key Transmission Line.
Matter deferred to Nov. 2, 1977, at suggestion
of Mayor Rosen, who pointed out that it would
be unfair for this Council to make a commitment
which would be binding on a Council which will
be newly constituted after the Nov. 1, 1977
Appearance of Mrs. Mildred Falk to discuss 11/2/77
(continued) Date
litigaion and,rel edd mattte s re q q a Key
Transmission Line deferred from 10637//).
Deferred to Nov. 9, 1977, at 4:00 p.m. 11/2/77
4:00 P.M. Time Certain set by Commission
11/2/77- R.I.T.E. request for City of M.B.
to pursue proposed pilot project for extension
of M.B. Outfall Line and to hire Mr. Linton
Lovett as special counsel. City Atty. reviewed,
at length, the effect on the City, both legal
and financial, of compliance with R.I.T.E.'s
request. Commissioner Sahl's motion to approve
request, failed of passage. City Atty. advised
that he would announce to the court the wish of
City Commission that R.I.T.E.'s suit be heard