Sewage Disposal And Treatment_February to August 1978SEWAGE DISPOSAL AND TREATMENT 93 Date Mr. Joseph Abelow, representing RITE, Inc., ap- 2/15/78 peared and renewed request that City retain Atty. Linton Lovett as special counsel to pursue with EPA the proposal that the CMB be included among those cities which may use deep current assimilation, under the provisions of the Clean Water Act of 1977, Ass't Co. Atty. Cliff Shulman appeared and recommended procedures to be fol- lowed. Res. #78-15550A adopted, requesting Miami -Dade Water and Sewer Authority to contact the EPA and to ascertain whether they will enter- tain an application from Dade Co., under the Clean Water Act, and if that not be the case, to take appropriate action. (Transcription of discussion to be furnished all interested parties.) SEWAGE DISPOSAL AND TREATMENT 94 Date Deep Water Assimilation Project. Paul Wim- 3/1/78 bish representing RITE appeared & requested Commission to reconsider its vote on 2/15/78 and to allocate funds to retain Attorney Lin- ton Lovett as special counsel to pursue issue. City Atty. advised that such action would jeo- pardize posture of City as it relates to its contract commitments and the allocation of Federal funds to the City. Comm. Wikler's motion to retain Mr. Lovett, per request of RITE, died for lack 2nd. Res. #78-15612 adopted accepting additional 5/3/78 grant offer of U.S.Environmental Protection Agency in amount $4,851,259 for Project P-19, facilities for transmitting sewage to SEWAGE DISPOSAL AND TREATMENT 95 (continued) Date Virginia Key. City Mgr. Dodd A. Southern authorized to execute any and all documents necessary by City in connection with accep- tance of said Grant and performance of covenants, terms and conditions thereof. (See U. S. Government) 5/3/78 Discussion of correspondence from Atty's re- 5/17/78 presenting Poole and Kent, contractors for Contract N, Sewage Transmission facilities. Withdrawn by City Atty. Res. #78-15685 adopted, authorizing 8/2/78 Gavin W. O'Brien to execute documents covering