Sewage Disposal And Treatment_May 1969 to November 1969SE4AOE DISPOSAL AND TREATMENT Memo #7503, Contract 6A for facilities for transmitting sewage to Va. Key, P-19, Change Order No. 6A-3, (decrease in contract), amount: $1,387.50, extension of time: none. Approved. (See Sewage Transmission Facilities (Contracts)) Memo #7554, Contract 1 for facilities for trans- 6/20/69 mitting sewage to Va. Key, P-19, Change order No. 1-3, increase in contract, amount: increase $1,492.21, extension of time: none, final change order, approved. 102 Date 5/16/79 Memo #7555, Contract 2 for facilities for 6/20/79 transmitting sewage to Va. Key, P-19, Change SEWAGE DISPOSAL AND TREATMENT 103 (continued) Date order No. 2-2, decrease in contract, amount: decrease $28,772.00, extension of time: none, approved. 6/20/79 Memo #7556, Contract 2 for facilities for transmitting sewage to Va. Key, P-19, Change order No. 2-3, amount: none, extension of time: 110 days, final change order, approved. 6/20/79 Memo #7557, Contract R for facilities for 6/20/79 transmitting sewage to Va. Key, P-19, Change order No. R-29, additional work, amount: in- crease $50,535.46, extension of time: 308 days, approved. SEWAGE DISPOSAL AND TREATMENT 104 Date Memo #7558, Contract R for facilities for trans- 6/20/79 mitting sewage to Va. Key, P-19, Change order No. R-30, extension of time: 126 days, amount: none, approved. (See Sewage Transmission Facili- ties (contracts)) Memo #7833, Contract 6B for "Facilities for Transmitting Sewage to Va. Key, P-19". Change Order No. 6B-2, (decrease in contract) amount: $637.50, extension of time: None. Deferred to Nov. 21, 1979. (See Sewage Transmission Facili- ties (Contracts)) 11/7/79