SideWalk_March 1948 to August 1949SIDEWALKS $5,000 appropriated for sidewalk repairs throughout the city 3/3/48 26 244 Geo. Jacobs asks that side- walks be put in on Everglades. Concourse - Council asks for petition 6/2/48 26 370 Sidewalk construction authorized on Meridian Ave. from 42nd St. to north end of school property 11/3/48 27 184 15 Book Page SIDEWALKS 17 Book Page Request of property owners for sidewalk on Abbott Avenue be- tween Indian Creek Drive and 71st Street, referred to City Manager Renshaw 8/17/49 28 340 Council approves plan submitted by City Manager re. construction of side- walks on Abbott Avenue. Dedications will be given by property owners pro- vided they will be re- lieved from any assess- ments for the sidewalks 8-22-49 28 36o