Sidewalks_December 1952 to May 1953SIDEWALKS Petition filed by owners living between Trouville Espl. and Rue Granville on 71st St., requesting construction of sidewalk on south side of 71st St. (SK -165 ordered) 12-3-52 33 406 North Shore Drive property owners petition City to construct sidewalk on south side of North Shore Dr. (sk-167) 12-17-52 33 438 'Petition for construction of sidewalk on 66.1 -St St. between Qrespi Blvd. & Hawthorne Ave.(SK-16 12-17-52 33 439 WitWfor'yousnboth sides side sle er. 3n bloc! 27 Book Page -7-53 33 458 SIDEWALKS 28 Book Page Area between sidewalk and curb on 4th St. from Washington Ave. to Ocean Drive to be concreted (non -assessable project) 1-28-53 33 484 Petition requesting installation of sidewalks on Biarritz Dr. bet. Trouville Espl. and Rue Granville presented. SK -170 ordered. 2-25-53 34 29 Engineering Dept. to proceed construction of Sidewalk IMprovement(SK-169) previously authorized. (Marseille Dr. from Rue Granville to Trouville Espl. 3-11-53 34 100 SIDEWALKS 29 Book Page Sidewalk construction authorized on west side of Washington Ave. between Community Center and Auditorium, estimated cost $5,820.00 3-18-53 34 111 Widening of sidewalk authorized on Normandy Drive from Rue Versailles to Rue Notre Dame (SK -172) S2,975.50 5-20-53 34 Construction of sidewalk on south side of 39th St. from Collins Ave. east authorized 5-20-53 34 282 27981 728and