SideWalks_December 1953 to September 1955SIDEWALKS Construction east side of St., $361.35 30 Book Page of sidewalk authorized, Chase Ave. south of 42nd 12-2-53 35 219 Request made for construction of sidewalks on east side Dickens bet 71st and 72nd Sts., and both sides Carlyle & Byron Aves. Work authorized on Byron & Carlyle but right-of-way to be acquired on Dickens Ave. 12-16-53 35 239 City Atty authorized to close transaction on pencil searchTs in connection with acquisition of 22 feet on each side of Carlyle, Harding and Dickens Aves. f sidewalk purposes 1-20-54 i' 306 SIDEWALKS s- 31 Petition protesting sidewalk construction on Stillwater Drive presented. Construction rescinded, Res. #8692 4-7-54 35 406 Res. #8703 authorizing execution of agreement with property owners re. acquisition of 22 feet on each side of Harding Ave. bet. 75th and 87th Sts.; Dickens Ave. bet. 75th and 79th Sts.; Byron Ave. bet. 81st St. and point 1001 north of 82nd Terr; Tatum Waterway Dr. between 79th and 81st Sts., for sidewalk purposes 5 Res. #8717 re. acquisition o4-7-54 2 * feet 35 iorGs1utwaIkppuorposeson HarL+_ _5qe. 35 Book Page SIDEWALKS 416 443 32 Book Page Bid for curb and gutter replacement on east side of Washington Ave. bet. 9th & 10th Streets rejected and returned 5-18-55 37 178 Councilman Halperin suggests action be taken re. widening sidewalks on Collins Ave. to 10 feet, between 15th & 19th Sts. Mr. Renshaw to make his report to Council in near future. 7-20-55 37 280 Bids for construction of sidewalk on east side of Sheridan Ave. from 28th to 30th Sts., rejected. 9-7-55 37 342