Sidewalks_November 1958 to September 1961SIDEWALKS 47
Book Page
Hearing to consider objections to
confirmation of Res. ordering SK -258,
E. Side Rue Granville from Marseille Dr.
to 71st St. Objections presented.
Action deferred until Mr. Lipp's return.
9-6-61 44 204
Petition requesting construction of
sidewalk east side of Indian Cr. Dr. from
intersection of Indian Cr. Dr. and Collins
Ave. to 63rd Street. Res. #10650
adopted ordering SK -259.
11-15-61 44 284
Book Page
No action taken re. Julius Friedman's
communication re. objections to proposed
street and sidewalk improvements, Abbott
Ave. and side streets, hearing on which
was conducted on Feb. 25, 1959.
4-15-59 42 44
Petition requesting construction of
sidewalks on w. side Trouville Espl.
from Marseille Dr. to Normandy Dr.
City proposes to provide sidewalk on
east side of Rue Granville from Marseille
Dr. to 71st. Res. #10602 ordering
SK -258. 8-2-61 44 156
Book Page
City Mgr advises that sidewalks will
not be constructed on Abbott Ave.
between 75th and 85th Streets
11-19-58 41 233