SideWalks_December 1961 to March 1967SIDEWALKS 48 Book Page Hearing to consider objections to confirmation of Res. ordering SK -259, (Indian Creek Dr.) Engineering Dept. to meet with one property owner before construction starts. Res. #10652 adopted confirming ordering of work. 12-6-61 44 293 Discussion re. sidewalk construction on Rue Granville (SK -258). Mr. Lipp presents alternate proposal. Councilmen express opposition. Matter tabled indefinitely. 1-3-62 44 335 Res. #10727 adopted rescinding resolution ordering above sidewalk improvement (SK -258) 3-30-62 44 453 SIDEWALKS 49 Book Page Hearing conducted on confirmation of Resolution No. 10900 ordering Sidewalk Improvement SK -261, West Side of Indian Creek Dr. from intersection of Indian Cr. Dr. and Collins Ave. to 63rd St. Hearing continued until next meeting. 2-6-63 45 313 Hearing continued relative to confirmation of resolution ordering above sidewalk improvement. City Mgr. is requested to have survey made of general area and report back to Council. Resolution #10931 adopted confirming resolution ordering this improvement.2-20-63 45 339 SIDEWALKS Administration requested to explore possibility of constructing sidewalk on West Ave. 1-18-67 51 350 50 Book Page Hearing called for 3/22/67 to consider feasibility of sidewalks on West Ave. and to ascertain response of property owners. 2-15-67 51 403 Hearing re. construction of sidewalks on West Ave. cancelled. West Ave. improvements now being considered by Metro will include sidewalks. 3-22-67 51 436