Sidewalks_September 1967 to March 1973SIDEWALKS
51. --
Res. 12240 adopted authorizing acceptance of
easement from Dade County School Board for
sidewalk construction on Biscayne Elementary
School property. 9-20-67 52 293
City Manager to contact Mr. Forte (Forte Towers)
re. Malek's report that bids for construction of
sidewalk at this site had been put out.
11-6-68 53 578
Assistant City Manager report --Mr. Forte advised
Anderson Construction Co. to begin construction
of sidewalk before end of year. Interim reports
on progress to be rendered to Council. 11-20-68 54 16
Forte Towers Sidewalk - City Mgr. to give
Mr. John Forte final notice & 10 days to
proceed with construction, & if he fails to
do so, City will construct it at his expense.. 54 ?
Change order approved, Mem() 2154, final
payment :'to Robert E. Haas for contract curb
gutter sidewalk for HN -364, $616.75. 6/11/69 54 498
Meeting date
18th St: Appearance of Van Auken,Pres.
Saxon Developmt Corp; thought this was on
agenda; Adm. to meet with him and report. 4-7-71
In 'esponse to councilman Weinstein's re-
quest that City discontinue red sidewalks,
the Manager advised that all new installations
would be tinted on the green side, except
where patching is required. 1 Y15/72
Council authorized $18,460. in connection
with 5th St. Widening for green sidewalks. 2/7/73
from Contingency Fund.
$2,360 from Contingency Fund for Green Sidewalks
in 5th St. Widening project. 3/21/73