Sightseeing - Trams_June 1976 to December 1977SIGHTSEEING - TRAMS 1 Request of Mr. Allen Porter for license to 6/116/76 operate a tram sightseeing tour in M.B. Public Hearing called for July 7, 1976 at 3:15 p.m. to consider the grant of a permit for this type of operation. Hearing held and concluded on consideration of 7/7/76 issuance of revocable permit to operate a sight- seeing Tram with passenger -carrying trailers. Concept approved and referred to Administration for development of specifications and for sub- mission to competitive bidding. Atty. for ap- plicant questioned whether this service would be extension of Lincoln Road Mall tram franchise, and matter was referred to City Atty. for deter- mination. SIGHTSEEING - TRAMS Memo #5846, franchise for the operation of sightseeing tram service in city of M.B. for 1 yr. with renewal options not to exceed 5 yrs. Awarded to Mall Transport, Inc., for 1 yr. with renewal options not to exceed 5 yrs., at discretion of Council, City to receive 10% of gross income excluding sales taxes. Res. # 76- 15122 adopted. Sightseeing Tram service liability insurance, 9/15/76 Recommendation of Administration, concurred in by City Atty, that insurance carrier rated A+VIII be accepted, instead of AAA as called for in specifications, approved. 2 Date 9/1/76 SIGHTSEEING - TRAMS 3 Date Memo #6636, Mall Transport, Inc. request to 12/21/77 extend bid #101-76 (Sightseeing Tram Service) to include charter service. Public hearing. called for 2/1/78, at 3:15 p.m. Memo #7881, request of Mr. Perez for a sight- 12/5/79 seeing franchise to operate a trolley -type vehicle on M.B., was referred to Administration and City Atty. for report and recommendation. (See Gratuitous Transportation, Art Deco)