SightSeeing Permits & Buses_July 1940 to June 1942SIGHTSEEING PERMITS & RugnES Fla.Motor Lines seek permits for sightseeing buses 7/26/40 5 Permits for Sightseeing busses authorized-Berger,Binder, Cu.mnings,Yasner-& Fla.Transport. Co. 11/27/40 Book Page 19 201 19 429 City Attorney to prepare ordinance fixing rates for for -hire cars and sightseeing busses 11/27/40 19 429 - Dade Pharmacies complain of sightseeing bus parking in front of their store at 13th St. 11/27/40 19 433 SIGHTSEEING BUSSES & PERMITS FOR SAME Book5 Page Council agreed to transfer of sightseeing permit from Sigmund Berger to Cortlandt and Berger -Nov. 27, 1940 19 434 Fla.Motor Lines granted temporary per- mit to park sightseeing bus on Alton Road south of 5th St. 1/15/41 20 15 A. Harold Binder & Mrs. H. B. Wylly request additional sightseein-g bus permits 2/26/41 20 83 Council agreed not to issue any additional sightseeing por11mit3. _21 57 SIGHTSEEING BUSSES AND PERMITS FOR SAME Ivlauri ce nernnk requests_ perms -t, - to operate a sightseeing bus. 21 No action. 6 Book Page 82 Applications for sightseeing permits referred to City V2gr'e0ffi e and Traffic Inspector 1/7/42 21 127 Transfer sightseeing permit from 8.Berger to Stan Stanley -2/4/42 21 1(0 2 Sightseeing permits held by Stan -Stanley transferred to 2 for-hire 6/3/42 21 336