SightSeeing Buses_October 1942 to January 1946SIGHTSEEING BUSSES C.W.Cummings requests permission to exchange 2 sightseeing permits for taxi permits 10/21/42 Applications of A,Harold Binder Stan Stanley and C. W. Cummings filed with minute data of 11/4/42 (not granted because of order of O.D.T.) Sightseeing permits granted. C. A. Cummings, Stann Stanley and Wylly's Tours 10/3/45 23 7. Book Page 21 438 233 SIGHTSEEING BUSES Sam Kaplan's request for permits to operate buses to Jai Alai and horse tracks taken under advisement 10/16/45 8. Book Page City Attorney advises that State Railroad Commission now has jurisdiction over granting of sightseeing permits 11/7/45 23 243 271 SIGHTSEEING BUSES Council goes on record as opposing issuance of permits to conveyances other than buses, for sightseeing purposes 1/2/46 23 345 With authority of 8ouncil Mr. Renshaw & Mr. Hoover approve issuance of 1 certificate of public convenience and neces— sity to Murry Kay 9 Book Page Council asks that applications designate routes 11/6/46 24 382 11/20/46 (Council auth of it y