SightSeeing Buses & Charter Buses_June to December 1950SIGHTSEEING BUSES 8c CHARTER BUSES City Attorney instructed to attend Hearing before Fla. RR, & Pub. Utilities Com. to protest application of Red Adams to pick up and discharge passengers for sight- seeing tours in City 6-21-50 29 City Attorney to advise legality of Fla. RR & Pub. Utilities Comm to authorize Red Adams to establish a bus terminal in City limits 8-9-50 39 13 Book Page 471, 5 SIGHTSEEING AND CHARTER BUSES 14 Council denies request of Book Page Red Adams Bus Lines, Inc. for authorization of their proposed terminal site 8-9-50 30 7 permits granted for 1950-51, to present holders - all others denied 10-26-50 30 135 Council indicates willingness to permit Stann Stanley to load his buses on Collins Ave. just south of Espanola Way until he can secure a new location 12-13-50 30 248 SIGHTSEEING AND CHARTER BUSES 15 Book Page Council grants- permission to Stann Stanley to use 11no parking" zone for sixty days as bus load- ing zone. 12-27-50 30 279 James Ruby requests loading zone on west side of Collins Ave. for Stann Stanley - action deferred 1/10/51 30 319