Sightseeing And Charter Buses_November 1957 to October 1959SIGHTSEEING AND CHARTER BUSES 25 Book Page Change in name of sightseeing permit authorized: from Florida Greyhound Lines to Gray Line Sightseeing Company (owned and operated by Southeastern Greyhound Lines) 11-27-57 40 145 Change in name of sightseeing permits authorized: from Red Adams Bus Lines, Inc. to Tropical Coach Line, Inc. (2 permits) 7-2-58 40 497 SIGHTSEEING AND CHARTER BUSES 26 Book Page 7 applications for renewal of sight- seeing bus permits authorized: Davis Sightseeing Wylly's Tours 2 Gray Line Sightseeing 1 Tropical Coach Line, Inc. 2 Total 7 2) 10-15-58 41 156 permits from Tropical Coach and 1 permit from Greyhound Corp. transferred to GRAY LINE SIGHT- 42 195 SEEING TOURS, INC. 7-15-59 SIGHTSEEING AND CHARTER BUSES 27 Book Page Hearing to consider issuance of Certificates of Public Convenience and Necessity for taxicabs and sightseeing buses called for Oct. 21, 1959. 42 326 10-7-59 Above hearing held. Sightseeing bus applications are presented. City Mgr. to investigate sightseeing bus permits. 7 bus permits are granted: Grayline Sightseeing Tours, Inc. - 3 Davis Sightseeing 2 Wylly's Motor Coach Lines 2 10-21-59 42 328