SightSeeing And Charter Buses_October 1964 to July 1966SIGHTSEEING AND CHARTER BUSES Wylly's 4 sightseeing bus per<<its approved. 10=21=64 Book Page 47 267 Grayline Sightseeing Tours, Inc. application for operation of 3 sightseeing buses approved. 11-18-64 47 351 Applications for sightseeing buses approved: Wylly's Sportsman, Inc.- 4 Gray Line Sightseeing Tours- 3 10-20-65 49 330 37 SIGHTSEEING AND CHARTER BUSES 38 Book Page Donald E. Comden requests approval to operate sightseeing tram tour around City. Matter deferred to next regular meeting and applicant to submit addl. information. City Manager to obtain recommendations of Safety Committee and Police Chief relative to proposed opera- tion. 6-22-66 50 388 Re. Proposed Tram Operation, approval requested by Donald E. Comden. No additional information submitted and matter deferred indefinitely pending completion of further reviews. 7-6-66 50 403 SIGHTSEEING AND CHARTER BUSES Hearing re. new applications for Cert. of Public Conv. & Necessity set for Oct. 26, 1966 at 10:30 AM, Cypress Room. 10-10-66 51 96 Hearing held and following requests for Certificates of Public Conv. & Necessity re. operation of sighseeing buses approved: Wylly's Sportsman, Inc. - 4 buses 2921 Collins Ave. Gray Line Sightseeing Tours, Inc. 3 buses 1740 N.W. 1st Ave., Miami 39 Book Page 10-26-66 51 139