Signs_April to August 1975SIGNS 125
(Cont'd) Date
between May 3rd and 7th. approved. 4/16/75
Mayor Rosen reiterated request that a "Wel- 4/16/75
come to Miami Beach" sign be erected on
Julia Tuttle Causeway, at the entrance to
the City.
Request of Barnett Bank for Council approval 5/7/75
of a special exception from requirements of
Sign Ord. in order to erect oversize signs
at its new facility at 1414 Alton Rd., approved.
City Mgr. Letter to Council #247-75, re: status 6/2/75
report on entrance sign on Julia Tuttle Causeway.
Request by Mr. Ted Kennedy for emergency hear- 6/7
ing on provisions of City Sign Ord. relating to
real estate "For Sale" signs. Mr. Kennedy's pro-
posal to amend sign ord. provisions so as to per-
mit broker's name to appear on signs with letter-
ing not to exceed one inch in height, referred to
Planning Brd. with request that they act expe-
ditiously. City Atty. directed to appraise the
Fla. Real Estate Commission of Council's action.
Res. #75-14765 adopted, calling public hearing
on 8/6/75 at 2:30 p.m. to consider recommen-
dation of Planning Brd. that Sec. 11-2 of
Zoning Ord. #1891 be amended so as to permit
names of registered real estate brokers on
"For Sale" and "For Lease" signs in letters of
no more than 1" height, and to permit words
"By appointment only".
Hearing held and concluded to consider amendment 8/6/75
to Zoning Ord. #1891 to permit names of regis-
tered Real Estate Brokers on "For Sale" and "For
Rent" signs. Ord. passed on first reading.
Hearing and second reading scheduled for 9/3/75.
Request of Bank of M. B. for exception to pro- 8/6/75
visions of Zoning Ord. ##1891 in order to erect
additional sign on its building at 960 Alton Rd.
No action taken. Applicant to meet with Admin.
to attempt to work out suitable compromise.