Signs_December 1974 to April 1975SIGNS Request of Atty. Alan Weinstein for dis- cussion on rescinding Ord. No. 1867 pro- hibiting flashing lights. (set by Council 11/20/74). Not reached. Deferred to 12/18/74. Request of Mr. Milton Sirkin for approval to 12/11/74 erect 2 oversized "For Sale" signs on property at Normandy Dr. & 71st St. Council authorized erection of 2 signs, each not to exceed 25 sq.ft., for period of 6 months from 12/11/74. Request of Atty. Alan Weinstein for discussion 12/18/74 on rescinding Ord. No. 1867 prohibiting flash- ing lights. (deferred from 12/11/74) Planning Brd. requested to review and submit recommendations re: possible changes in sign 122 Date 12/11/74 SIGNS 123 (cont'd) Date regulations pertaining to flashing lights. People in industry, as well as affected parties, to be consulted in course of Planning Brd. review. 12/18/74 Mr. Ted Kanov appeared and requested that 1/15/75 action be taken with respect to proposed changes in the City's sign regulations. He was referred to the Planning and Zoning Dir. with respect to his inquiry concerning sign regulations. Request by Vic Potamkin Chev. Inc., for ex- ception from sign regulations of Zoning Ord. To be placed on Feb.19, 1975 agenda. 2/5/75 SIGNS Request of Mr. T. Kanov of Beach Motel, 8601 Harding Ave., for special exception from the Zoning Ord. in accordance with Section 11-1d to erect a sign not in conformance with Zoning_ Ord. requirements. Non -conforming sign (15 ft.) approved. 2/5/75 Request by Vic Potamkin Chevrolet, Inc., for an exception from sign regulations of Zoning Ord. #1891 (set by Council 2/5/75) approved. 2/19/75 Discussion of request of International Coun- 4/16/75 cil of Shopping Centers for permission to put up a Welcome Banner above the road, across 41st St, just east of Alton Rd., 124 Date