Signs_April to August 1975 (2)SIGNS 125 (Cont'd) Date between May 3rd and 7th. approved. 4/16/75 Mayor Rosen reiterated request that a "Wel- 4/16/75 come to Miami Beach" sign be erected on Julia Tuttle Causeway, at the entrance to the City. Request of Barnett Bank for Council approval 5/7/75 of a special exception from requirements of Sign Ord. in order to erect oversize signs at its new facility at 1414 Alton Rd., approved. City Mgr. Letter to Council #247-75, re: status 6/2/75 report on entrance sign on Julia Tuttle Causeway. SIGNS 126 Date Request by Mr. Ted Kennedy for emergency hear- 6/4 ing on provisions of City Sign Ord. relating to real estate "For Sale" signs. Mr. Kennedy's pro- posal to amend sign ord. provisions so as to per- mit broker's name to appear on signs with letter- ing not to exceed one inch in height, referred to Planning Brd. with request that they act expe- ditiously. City Atty. directed to appraise the Fla. Real Estate Commission of Council's action. Res. #75-14765 adopted, calling public hearing on 8/6/75 at 2:30 p.m. to consider recommen- dation of Planning Brd. that Sec. 11-2 of Zoning Ord. #1891 be amended so as to permit names of registered real estate brokers on 7/16/75 SIGNS (cont'd) "For Sale" and "For Lease" signs in letters of no more than 1" height, and to permit words "By appointment only". 127 Date 7/16/75 Hearing held and concluded to consider amendment 8/6/75 to Zoning Ord. #1891 to permit names of regis- tered Real Estate Brokers on "For Sale" and "For Rent" signs. Ord. passed on first reading. Hearing and second reading scheduled for 9/3/75. Request of Bank of M. B. for exception to pro- 8/6/75 visions of Zoning Ord. #1891 in order to erect additional sign on its building at 960 Alton Rd. No action taken. Applicant to meet with Admin. to attempt to work out suitable compromise.