Signs_September 1975 to February 1976SIGNS 128 Date Hearing held, 11-21ofed. ZonOrd. ing Ord. #01891atop/3/75 author- ize and permit Realtors' and Brokers' names to appear on "For Sale" signs. (1st reading 8/6/75). Request for approval of a non -conforming sign 10/15/75 by Bay Auto Parts, 1416 - 20th St, to be placed on 11/5/75 agenda. Request of Bank of M.B. for exception to Zoning 11/5/75 ord. requirements in order to erect an additional sign on its building at 960 Alton Rd. approved, subject to conditions outlined in memorandum dated 10/30/75. SIGNS Request for approval of non -conforming sign for Bay Auto Parts, 1416 - 20th St., deferred to Nov. 19, 1975. Admin, to meet with applicant and attempt to resolve problem of sign pro- jecting over City sidewalk. Request by Stein's Inc., a hardware store lo- cated at 627 Washington Ave., for waiver of zoning regulations for non -conforming sign, approved. 129 Date 11/5/75 11/19/75 Hearing held and concluded re: consideration 1/21/76 of amending Sec. 36-11 of Zoning Ord. to permit flashing signs in Commercial Districts. A motion to refer this matter to the Admin. with SIGNS (continued) a view to liberalizing provisions of sign ord., failed of passage. A motion to retain the status quo on Sec. 36-11 of sign ord, carried. Councilman Weinstein requested Admin. to review sign ord. for possible liberalization, to pro- vide more lighting in commercial areas of the City. Memo #5538, request for approval of non -conforming sign for Bay Auto Parts, 1416 - 20th St. (deferred from 11/5/75), deferred to 2/18/76. 130 Date 1/21/76 2/4/76 Reconsideration of amending Sec. 36-11 of 2/4/76 Zoning Ord. to permit flashing signs in