Signs_May 1977 to April 1978SIGNS 140
(continued) Date
Request was referred to Administration for future
agenda placement. 5/18/77
Appearance of Atty. Martin Greenbaum to request 6/1/77
waiver of Zoning Ord. requirements for 3 non-
conforming facade signs for Intercontinental
Bank of MB at its Alton Rd. Branch. Request of
applicant to add 7 sq. ft. logo on east, west,
and south walls and words "OF MIAMI BEACH" also
on south wall, granted, subject to previous
condition that entire sign on west facade be
removed when owner of abutting property on west
constructs any type of permanent structure.
Request of Atty. Ben Cohen, representing 8/17/77
(continued) Date
Wolfie's Restaurant, 2038 Collins Ave., for
adoption of an ord. permitting flashing signs.
Matter referred to Planning Brd. for considera-
tion and recommendation. (On 8/18/77, City
Clerk furnished Planning Director with trans-
cription of Council discussion, for information
of Planning Brd. members.) 8/17/77
Request of Mt. Sinai Hospital for approval
to erect pole sign approved, based upon
second proposal as contained in medical
center's Oct. 3, 1977 letter.
Councilman Dr. Haber called attention to 10/5/77
(continued) Date
illegal political signs which have been posted
in this city on public property, etc. He re-
quested that all candidates be again notified
that they are defacing public property, that
such signs should be removed, and they they
should desist in their actions and observe the
law relating to campaign signs. 10/5/77
Memo #6680, request of Publix Market for waiver 1/18/78
of sign regulations in order to erect oversize
sign. Commission approved request for new,
smaller non -conforming sign, to replace present
non -conforming sign.
Request referred to Planning Commission for 4/5/78
hearing and recommendations on proposed