Signs_April to October 1978SIGNS 143
(continued) Date
amendment to sign provisions in Zoning Ord.
so that temporary permission for banner and
similar signs may be granted by City Mgr.
instead of City Commission (requested by Com-
missioner Weisburd). 4/5/78
Atty. Ted Tripp, representing Mr. Tobias Simon, 4/19/78
appeared to request approval of placement of
removable canvas sign on storefront to identify
campaign headquarters to general public. City
Mgr. authorized to accept the exception to ord.
to permit the sign, and to work out details for
an asthetic and proper temporary sign above the
headquarters occupied on Arthur Godfrey Road.
(See Zoning)
Appearance of TDA to discuss request for
"Welcome" sign at Julia Tuttle Causeway en-
trance to Miami Beach (deferred from 4/5/78).
Deferred to May 3, 1978. Administration re-
quested to investigate cost feasibility and
funding of such sign. (See MB TDA).
Memo #6798, request for approval of concept for 4/19/78
Normandy Isle entrance sign and landscaping,
MP -45 and request for authorization to take
construction bids. Text concept B (WELCOME TO
THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH) approved, with pro-
vision to be included to enable addition of
name of visiting events, conventions, and dig-
nitaries, and conditioned upon there being funds
available for Julia Tuttle entrance sign.
Memo #7048, Normandy Isle Entrance Sign and 9/6/78
Landscaping, MP -45, awarded to R & N Con-
struction Co., Inc., bidding $45,700
(funding previously appropriated from 3/14/72
Park improvement Bond Fund). Additional ap-
propriation of $12,000 from Bond Fund to com-
plete project, including irrigation, land-
scaping, inspection, and administration of
contract approved. (See Signs & SIGN POSTS
Memo #7152, Atty. Norman Ciment, representing 10/18/78
Playboy Clubs International, Inc., appeared
and presented request for a non -conforming sign
at 820 - 41st St. Request denied. Administration
and City Atty. requested to review points brought