Signs_October 1978 to January 1979SIGNS 146 (continued) Date out during the discussion of this item, relative to changing sign regulations so as to be com- patible with all of the comprehensive planning taking place in all parts of the City, and to report and submit recommendations at an early date. 10/18/78 Memo #7187, masonry identification sign for 11/15/78 Recreational Youth Center and request for ap- propriation to cover acquisition and site prepa- ration, total amount: $4,800.00. Awarded„ Charles B. Esher, for $4,322.00. Commission approved appropriation of $4,800.00 from Con- tingency Funds to cover project cost, and cost of $478.00 for required City inspection, SIGNS 147 (continued) Date supervision, and restoration of landscaping. (See Youth Center) 11/15/78 Memo #7249, request for Commission approval 12/6/78 of sign at 630 Alton Rd. by S. Shore Hospital. Proposed sign 2 x 8' (16 sq. ft.) approved. Memo #7252, request for Commission approval for 12/6/78 erection of a sign at 820 - 41st St. Mr. Norman Ciment, representing 820 Associates, appeared and requested permission to place a non -conforming sign on the wall of building. He also submitted photographs of various signs presently in area, which he alleged were in violation of sign ord. City Mgr. advised he SIGNS Kinetic (Flashing) Lighting District amendmer 148 (continueaj Date had received no charges of illegal signs in area and would instruct his staff to review and issue citations if necessary. A motion to defer to December 20, 1978 to give Administra- tion an opportunity to review existing signs on 41st St., died for the lack of a second. Permit issuance authorized, providing that, 1) size of sign does not exceed 300 sq. ft. total, and 2) should it be determined to be inconsistent with 41st St. Revitalization Plan, upon such notifi- cation, sign to be removed within 30 days. (See Memo #7270, Planning Brd. recommendation: re: Memo #7259, Vita Course signage and structures for N. Shore Open Space Park and Pine Tree it 1/3/79 12/20/78