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Beach Restoration Project_June 1973 to March 1976
e (_h 1' s't`oc o\A-; © ) BEACH RFSTORATIftk •.• C 2 Meeting Date City Mgr. that expenditure of funds thus far approved by Council are within authorized priorities; furthermore, public hearings on expenditures are optional and not a requirement. Councilman Weinstein asked Council and public be kept fully informed as to am't. of Fed. Rev. Sharing Funds received and allocated, and anticipated. Meeting with representatives of Corps of Engineers held re: Beach Restoration Project and meeting with Dept. of Housing & Urban Development re: better communities act. BEACH RESTORATION PROJECT Councilman Weinstein and Mayor Hall asked City Mgr. to furnish Council with report and recommendations re: status of Beach restoration project. Memo 4088- Recommendation to advance City funds to begin beach restoration project approved and administration authorized to proceed. Mayor Hall requested Council be furnished progress report within 30 days; suggested possibility of non-resident admission charge for use of City's beaches. Councilman Dr. Wikler complained there was not compliance withthe law re; use of Federal Rev. Sharing Funds, and was advised by 1 Meeting Date 6/29/73 7/18/73 BEACH RESTORATION PROJECT 4 Meeting Date Presentation of plan by Mr. James Garland of Connell, Pierce, Garland & Friedman withdrawn.8/8/73 Res. #75-14737 adopted, memoralizing President 6/4/75 Ford and the U. S. Congress to fund the Beach Restoration and Erosion Control Project. Sub- mitted by Councilman Hal Spaet. Urging Metro Dade Co. to advance $2 M from their 8/6/75 Decade of Progress Bond Issue for payment to U. S. Army Corps of Engineers so that Beach Resto- ration Project may move forward and so as to forestall an 18 mo. delay. Proposed by Mayor Rosen. Metro Commissioner Harvey RuWin appeared and rendered oral status report concerning Federal funding for this project, and per his request, BEACH RESTORATION PROJECT (continued) D. C. He then rendered oral report re: obstacles encountered concerning necessary Federal funding to complete beach restoration project, the co- operation offered by Congressman Pepper to ex- pedite project, and latter's suggestion that City Mgr. and other members of Admin. and Council at- tend House Appropriations Sub -Committee hearing to be held in Washington on March 26, at which time City's officials can point out that this is not a new project, but one that has been on-going. Councilman Spaet also urged Council to make every effort to contact local people involved in Presi- dent Ford's campaign to enlist their assistance in requesting President to intercede and release monies for this project. Councilman Meyerson 3/17/76 6 Date BEACH RESTORATION PROJECT (continued) the area. Councilman Meyerson requested City Mgr. to develop other options the City may have for funding this project, in event Federal funds are not forthcoming; further, should Co. fund this project, that commitments be obtained from oceanfront property owners agreeing to public access to beaches. Mayor Rosen announced that $2.8 M appropriation 5/3/76 has been approved by U. S. House of Represen- tatives appropriations sub -committee for this project, this funding requiring a vote of the full House and Senate. 8 Date 3/31/76 6/6/73 6/29/73 BEACH RESTORATION PROJECT Meeting Date Proposal by Councilman Dr. Leonard Haber to hold celebration picnic kicking off Beach Restoration project deferred to 8/8/73. 8/1/73 Progress report on above project. Public infofma- tion's news release dated July 20th. 8/1/73 Proposal by Councilman Dr. Haber to hold cele- bration kickoff for beach restoration project approved and up to $15,000 approved. Sugges- tion made that this be held when Army Corps of Engineers visit Miami Bch. to do preliminary survey on Project. Details to be worked out by City Mgr. and Public Relations Hank Meyer. BEACH RESTORATION PROJECT (cont'd) Council deferred action to 10/15/75. Status report on Beach Restoration Project. Mayor Rosen advised that Dade Co. Commission had approved an appropriation of $250,000 from Decade of Progress Bond Issue for purpose of providing an advance sum so that a construction contract can be awarded in fiscal yr. 1976 for continuing Beach Restoration Program; commended Dade Co. U.M. Harvey Ruvin for his efforts in this regard. Councilman Spaet commended services of former Mayor D. Lee Powell as City's liaison during National League of Cities meeting in Washington, 8/8/73 8/8/73 5 Date 8/6/75 11/19/75 3/17/76 BEACH RESTORATION PROJECT (continued) suggested that all possible backup be furnished in way of correspondence from Corps of Engineers, particularly those communications setting forth need for beach restoration because of inherent costliness and dangers to lives and property from damage inflicted by hurricances. City Mgr. ad- vised that County officials will also be requested to attend Washington meeting, in view of Metro's involvement, and Decade of Progress bond issue. 3/17/76 7 Date Res. #76-15005 adopted, requesting U. S. House 3/31/76 Sub -Committee on Appropriations to give favor- able consideration to release funding for this program, and setting forth the inherent dangers to life and property, should a hurricane strike BEACH RESTORATION PROJECT 9 Date Res. #76-15078 adopted, granting access easement 7/7/76 to Corps of Army Engineers for beach nourishment project from 80th St. north to City limits (MP -54). (NOT ON AGENDA) Res. #76-15098 adopted granting 7/21/76 U. S. Corps of Engineers a temporary easement for a maximum period of 3 yrs., in connection with Beach_ Restoration Project, for purpose of instal- ling dredge pipe on foreshore of ocean, 80th to 87th Sts. City Mgr. advised bids were being taken by 9/14/76 -BW Government and sand pumping would start in approximately 2 months. (P. 16,17)