Beach Restoration Project_December 1976 to March 1979BEACH RESTORATION PROJECT 10 Date Res. #76-15212 adopted, approving and granting 12/8/76 temporary beach nourishment easement to U.S.A. for beach nourishment project in designated areas from 80th St. north to City limits, and authorizing execution of said easement. Councilman Spaet presented communications re- 3/16/77 lative to funding and projected schedule of completion of beach restoration project, copies of which were filed with records of meeting. Councilman Spaet offered to represent the City 3/24/77 so as to lobby for reinstatement of funds for the beach restoration project, which were BEACH RESTORATION PROJECT 11 (continued) Date recently reduced by the Governor, and the Coun- cil voiced no objections. 3/24/77 Discussion of letter from Fla. Shore and Beach 4/6/77 Preservation Assn. re: Beach Restoration Pro- ject. Requested by Mayor Harold Rosen. Request for maximum appropriations to the State of Fla. Erosion Control Trust Fund Account for support of authorized Beach Erosion Control Projects in Dade Co. Requested by Councilman Hal Spaet. Res. #77-15306 adopted. Mayor Haber presented Jan. 30, 1978 communi- 2/1/78 cation from State Senator Jack Gordon, advis- ing that Fla. Dept. of Natural Resources has BEACH RESTORATION PROJECT 12 (continued) Date announced the release of $2.34 million for beach restoration. (See Florida, State of ) (NOT ON AGENDA) Res. #78-15553 adopted, granting U.S. Corps of Engineers a temporary easement for a maximum period of 3 yrs„ in connection with Phase II of Beach Restoration Project, for purpose of installing dredge pipe on foreshore of ocean, 63rd to 79th Streets. Res. #78-15579 adopted, approving issuance of permit for second phase of Dade Co. Beach Erosion Control and Hurricane Protection Pro- ject. 2/1/78 2/15/78 3/15/78 BEACH RESTORATION PROJECT 13 Date Memo #7126, Res. #78-15731 ado ted, approving 10/4/78 and granting a temporary Beac ourishment Easementto U.S.A. for placing of fill for Beach Nourishment Project in designated areas from 63rd St. to 37th St. in City of M.B., and author- izing execution of said easement. Memo #7405, Res. #79-15862 adopted, approving 3/21/79 issuance of permit for Third Phase of Dade Co. Beach Erosion Control and Hurricane Protection Project. Vice Mayor Friedman advised that he had 5/23/79 observed that the beach at 79th St. appears to eroded since completion of the Corps of BEACH RESTORATION PROJECT 14 (continued) Date Engineers Beach Renourishment Project, and he requested the Administration to conduct an investigation and submit a report to the Commission. (See Ad Hoc Off -Shore Islands Committee) 5/23/79 McElligott re: rocks on the beaches. Assist- 12/5/79 ant to City Mgr. appeared and advised of a meeting with County and Corps of Engineers, scheduled for 12/19/79, and advised he would attempt to move up meeting date because of con- flict with City Commission meeting, and that a report would be submitted by Administration. He further advised that appropriate warning signs